Heteroglossolalia 4
I've had a bit to say on the current flap over intelligent design in these United States. More will surely follow. For now, I offer a bracing and very widely applicable comment by a scholar who has - for me, at least - helped clarify a great deal about science in society:
"Once it is recognized that knowledge exists only through its reproduction and circulation, the importance of conflict becomes evident: conflict focuses and directs that circulation...The contested circulation of opposing knowledges…is a struggle for truth. Truth matters. Precisely because it matters, truth is often fiercely contested. And if we cannot stand outside that contest to assess it from a neutral standpoint, this does not mean that all claims to truth can be put forward on an equal basis."
Joseph Rouse. 1996. Beyond Epistemic Sovereignty. p.416
"Once it is recognized that knowledge exists only through its reproduction and circulation, the importance of conflict becomes evident: conflict focuses and directs that circulation...The contested circulation of opposing knowledges…is a struggle for truth. Truth matters. Precisely because it matters, truth is often fiercely contested. And if we cannot stand outside that contest to assess it from a neutral standpoint, this does not mean that all claims to truth can be put forward on an equal basis."
Joseph Rouse. 1996. Beyond Epistemic Sovereignty. p.416
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