
Frink Tank

Science and technology studies seeks to treat science - that venerable, intimidating institution - like any other human pursuit or product. I begin to think that a better demystifying job might be done by treating science as fodder for gossip.

Enter the renegade science-nerd smack talking of Frink Tank.

The site's approach shines in a recent post pimp-slapping Darwinian partisan Richard Dawkins for unrepentant anti-religiosity while simultaneously managing to insult the pious. In the words of the very quotable Jabba the Hut, "my kind of scum!"

You may find, dear reader, that I cannot consistently muster the Frinksters' total commitment to the smirk, the 'tude, or the gag. For that, they have my grudging admiration. But I make no promises that I will not (what do the young people say?) "bite" their shtick.

Y'all nerds been warned.


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