

Any other newlyweds extremely careful with their left hands?

Since junior high I've felt naked without a watch, but I never ever wore any jewelry before our wedding last July.

Not that it's the most expensive ring (although it is really shiny, which was all I wanted out of it). But it has forced me to change how I do nearly everything involving two hands. At the least, it makes me over-think otherwise automatic tasks. As a career righty, I often find myself forced into nearly exclusive use of that hand to protect the ring. I have to exercise caution in such formerly carefree operations as lifting, carrying, washing, opening jars and doors.

When it's cold, as it was for a time here in the Windy City, the ring clanks back and forth on my finger, never quite loose enough to slide totally off. (Note: Windex works great for getting rings off and not tarnishing them. This straight from a jeweler.) Those times when I've managed to remove my ring, I am apt to forget it. Explain that to people who know you've just gotten married...including the Mrs.!

Looking at my parents' hands, it's clear that their rings could basically only be cut off--as my mom nearly discovered with some recent carpal-tunnel surgery. Is that what it's gonna take? How do I stop denting it on door handles in the interim?


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