Bathos, bribery, and baryatric surgery
Damn you, ABC. Paving a virtual interstate to hell with your must-see corporate charity.
What? Charity as entertainment? You know what I'm talking about. All these wishes granted and redemptive renovations of body and home. The newest addition to this cottage industry makes it even more difficult to be cynical, but allow me to try.
In all these shows a few genuinely needy people are showered with more than they need--including stuff they'll soon come to hate. (You think those kids will still dig the monkey-themed bedrooms when they hit 15?)
More objectionably, shows of this kind give many more genuinely needy people the false hope that they can be saved by the loving ministrations of Sears-Roebuck or the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. All they need to do is catch a jaded producer's eye. Send in a tape where they strike just the right balance between proud and pathetic. Show the mother driven to tears by her toddler's emergent realization that they "don't live like other people." That always works.
Worse still, make-over shows give corporations - from the omnipresent Craftsman to a parade of local contractors showing off their skills - free advertising for appearing to perform charitable works, while essentially showing off for potential (full-paying) customers with soft hearts and plump wallets. Would you expect a CEO to pass up advertising s/he could write off on the company's taxes?
But maybe the absolutely most offensive aspect of these shows is how they suck us viewers into an emotionally-correct fantasy. A few big companies do good deeds, a few of our virtuously pathetic fellow citizens are brought up to a standard of living befitting real humans, and yet we feel like crap for having witnessed the whole saccharine thing. Why might that be?
'Cause maybe the ends still don't justify the means? 'Cause that same money invested off-camera, say in Habitat for Humanity, could benefit five or ten times the number of people it does? 'Cause we know we're manipulated, and we know exactly how, and yet we keep watching?